emjoy some of Key West's most famous ghost stories, from Ghost City Tours
In almost any historic city with a background like Boston's you'd expect to find a lot of haunted locations, a lot of ghosts, and a ton of paranormal activity. Well, you won't be disappointed.
With Boston's history it should come as no surprise that Boston is widely considered to be one of the most haunted cities in America. It seems like you can't walk a full city block without coming across another location which is said to be haunted. You have a lot of choices when it comes to haunted places in Boston. Are you a fan of haunted cemeteries? Boston has those. Haunted Houses? Yep. What about haunted HIstoric Building? Boston has more than its fair share of them too.
We encourage you to read through our list of the most haunted places in Boston. However -nothing will replace a great ghost tour. So while we hope you enjoy our pages about the most haunted places in Boston, we also hope you'll join us for a ghost tour in Key West - so we can show you these locations and tell you even more ghost stories about them!