Visitando Galveston durante coronavirus | COVID-19 en Galveston Texas

Qué hacer en Galveston - Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ghost City Tours reconoce la importancia de la salud y la seguridad de nuestros huéspedes y guías. Aquí en Galveston, estamos ansiosos por ayudarlo a disfrutar de la ciudad, incluso durante esta época de coronavirus (COVID-19). Estamos comprometidos a seguir los protocolos estatales y de los CDC.

Ghost City ha elaborado esta guía Viajar durante COVID-19. Esperamos que los recursos que le proporcionamos le resulten útiles.

Visiting Charleston during the Coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic

Infórmese antes de ir

Texas ha implementado pautas de seguridad específicas para prevenir la propagación del coronavirus. Estos incluyen mandatos de máscaras para actividades en interiores, capacidad interior reducida y el cierre estatal de bares para consumo en el sitio. Lo alentamos a que disfrute de Galveston mientras se adhiere a las medidas de protección establecidas.

¿Cómo ha afectado el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) a Tours en Galveston?

En Ghost City Tours nos hemos tomado muy en serio la amenaza del coronavirus, implementando procedimientos especiales para ayudar a mantener la salud y seguridad de nuestros huéspedes.

Aunque estar al aire libre en recorridos a pie es una de las formas más seguras de experimentar una ciudad, Ghost City sigue estrictamente las pautas de distanciamiento social. Si bien puede permanecer en su grupo, esperamos que nuestros grupos mantengan la distancia sugerida de 6 pies de otros grupos en el recorrido.

Los cubrimientos faciales son obligatorios en Galveston, y aplicaremos su uso incluso antes de que comience su recorrido fantasma.

Como estamos al aire libre, nuestros recorridos ya son una forma segura de salir de casa. Ahora, puede tener aún más tranquilidad.

¿Por qué es bajo el riesgo de coronavirus para los participantes de los recorridos a pie?

Hay muchos aspectos de los recorridos a pie que los convierten en una excelente opción para alguien que busca una actividad de muy bajo riesgo.

  • Todos nuestros Tours se realizan al aire libre, no en áreas cerradas.
  • Esperamos que nuestros huéspedes cumplan con las Pautas de distanciamiento social. Si no cumple con estas pautas, se le pedirá que abandone el recorrido.
  • Hay mucho espacio para esparcirse, lo que garantiza un distanciamiento social adecuado.
  • Antes de la pandemia, ya hicimos un excelente trabajo para evitar las multitudes. Hemos llevado esos esfuerzos aún más lejos.
  • Sin contacto parece estar de moda, desde pizzerías hasta concesionarios de automóviles. Nuestros recorridos siempre han sido "sin contacto".
  • ¡Los fantasmas no pueden atrapar ni transportar COVID-19!

La realidad es que hacer un recorrido fantasma con Ghost City Tours no representa un riesgo mayor para su salud que caminar alrededor de la cuadra en casa. Hemos tomado todas las medidas posibles para garantizar que una actividad que ya es de bajo riesgo sea aún más segura.

Cosas que hacer en Galveston durante COVID-19

Al explorar Galveston, encontrará que muchas ubicaciones están abiertas al público. Para ayudar a que Galveston sea un lugar seguro para visitar, el estado de Texas y la ciudad de Galveston han pedido a las empresas que hagan su parte para mantener las pautas de salud y seguridad.

Instamos a todos los viajeros a que se familiaricen con los consejos de protección de los CDC.

¿Quién tiene que usar una máscara?

La ciudad de Galveston requiere que todos los que estén a menos de dos metros entre sí al aire libre, y todos en el interior, se enmascaren. Asegúrese de traer sus propias máscaras, ya que no se proporcionan.

Los protectores faciales deben usarse desde el primer momento; esto incluye al registrarse para su recorrido. Si no puede usar una máscara debido a una enfermedad subyacente, se le permite unirse sin una.

Los niños menores de diez años están exentos del mandato de la máscara. No es necesario que use una máscara mientras bebe, come o fuma.

Cubrimientos faciales aceptables para el público

Los revestimientos faciales aceptables incluyen mascarillas faciales, mascarillas de tela caseras y bufandas. Las mascarillas quirúrgicas y los respiradores N95 tienen una demanda crítica y solo deben ser usados por profesionales de la salud y socorristas.

Si bien no queremos que la situación actual le impida visitar una de las ciudades más fascinantes del país, damos prioridad a su seguridad. Con la salud de los viajeros en mente, hemos compilado una lista de actividades divertidas y de bajo riesgo para hacer mientras se encuentra en Galveston.

A continuación se muestra una lista de empresas en pleno funcionamiento que toman medidas adicionales para ayudarlo a mantenerse a salvo.


Las playas de Galveston están abiertas actualmente en este momento. La ciudad de Galveston recomienda usar máscaras faciales cuando el distanciamiento social no es posible. Se prohíben las grandes reuniones.

Galveston Island Beach Patrol y el Departamento de Policía de Galveston estarán en el lugar para hacer cumplir los mandatos de distanciamiento social.

Hoteles, posadas y pensiones

Cada vez vemos más personas viajando desde ciudades cercanas a Galveston. Si se queda por más de un día, los hoteles que se enumeran a continuación son algunas de las mejores opciones para una visita sanitaria y segura.

También creemos que los hoteles son una excelente manera de explorar la ciudad respetando las pautas de salud y seguridad. Estos alojamientos ofrecen grandes oportunidades para aprender sobre la histórica Galveston. No tendrá que aventurarse lejos de su habitación para explorar la cultura, el legado y la grandeza de The Oleander City.

Hotel Gálvez

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 765-7721

2024 Seawall Boulevard

Once referred to as the "Playground of the Southwest," this 226-room hotel conjures images of Galveston's gilded age – when Galveston was once the "Vegas of the South," frequented by Frank Sinatra, Duke Ellington, and Dean Martin.

Despite its celebrity guest list, the Hotel Galvez is better known for its less temporary tenants – poltergeists. What’s haunting the only historic hotel on Galveston’s beachfront?

COVID-19 Safety Measures: social distancing is implemented; sanitizing stations are available.

Tremont House Hotel

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 763-0300

2300 Ship's Mechanic Row

Looking for ghoulish ongoings during your weekend getaway? Book with this boutique hotel.

With a breezy, four-story atrium, airy atmosphere, and bird’s-eye view elevator, the Tremont is considered the “Pride of the South.” General Sheridan was so impressed with the establishment that he regretted his much-publicized remark, "If I owned Texas and all hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in hell." So, why do guests report paranormal activity?

COVID-19 Safety Measures: social distancing is implemented; sanitizing stations are available.

Lost Bayou Guesthouse

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 770-0688

1607 Avenue L

With an unmistakable sense of place, this 1890 bed-and-breakfast offers a relaxing, quintessentially Southern environment. Guests will enjoy the colonial architecture, convenient location, and personal service.

COVID-19 Safety Measures: social distancing is implemented; sanitizing stations are available.

Carr Mansion

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 497-4740

1103 33rd Street

This nineteenth-century, Greek Revival mansion is located ten blocks from Galveston’s Seawall and thirteen blocks from The Strand. The bed-and-breakfast pairs contemporary fixtures with historic design, making for a clean, affordable, fascinating stay. Guests should check out the solariums and the individually themed guest rooms.

COVID-19 Safety Measures: social distancing is implemented; sanitizing stations are available.

Coppersmith Inn

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 770-0688

1914 Avenue M

Looking for a romantic getaway? This Victorian bed-and-breakfast allows guests to experience nineteenth-century ambience with contemporary amenities. Originally a private residence, Coppersmith Inn features plaster archways, stained glass, walk through windows, and 14-foot ceilings. It’s a striking sight that includes a winding, wooden staircase.

For secluded accommodations, check out Clara’s Cottage and The Carriage House. These suites offer private entrances through the Coppersmith Garden, making for a luxurious, lush retreat.

COVID-19 Safety Measures: social distancing is implemented; sanitizing stations are available.

Galveston’ Bars and Restaurants

If you're coming to Galveston, you're going to have to eat! The good news is that many of the city's restaurants have reopened, but with new policies to keep you safe while dining out in Galveston during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Of course, there are going to be some of you who still don't feel entirely comfortable dining-in. We have good news for you as well. Most of the restaurants in Galveston offer to-go orders and contactless delivery services like Uber Eats and DoorDash. Bars have been closed for on-site consumption, but curbside and take-away remain available.

You can bring your food to any of the many outdoor areas in Galveston and enjoy your meal while taking in the fresh air. Outdoor dining has become a popular option for people who are concerned about dining out during the Coronavirus outbreak, leading many restaurants in Galveston to offer outdoor seating.

The restaurants on our list have implemented distanced seating and limited reservations to prevent large gatherings. Staff is required to wear masks and gloves while serving customers and daily temperature checks will be conducted for all team members.

At this time, restaurants in Galveston operate under limited capacity. Restaurants are open under strict social distancing guidelines, including redesigned seating to ensure a minimum of 6 feet in separation from seating to seating or the employment of physical barriers to separate groups of seating. Capacity will depend on the size and capability of each establishment.

Utensils, equipment, and workstations are being sanitized between use. Customers over the age of 10 are required to wear face coverings before being seated. Face masks can be removed once seated, while eating or drinking.

Gypsy Joynt

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 497-2069

2711 Market Street

Looking for a once-in-a-lifetime, Bohemian-style eatery? Stop by the Gypsy Joynt! Voted Galveston’s Restaurant of the Year in 2017, this seaside sensation features an eclectic, American menu in a playful, funky environment.

Rudy & Paco

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 762-3696

2028 Post Office Street

If you’re looking for steak or seafood grilled with South American sabor, check out Rudy & Paco. Their signature dishes include ahi tuna over jalapeno sauce, plantain encrusted gulf red snapper, lamb in a smoked plum chipotle sauce, and a one-pound broiled lobster tail. Hungry yet? Located next to The Grand 1894 Opera House, Rudy & Paco offers Galveston’s most unique dining experience.

The Steakhouse

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 740-8606

5222 Seawall Blvd

Indulge yourself at one of the Top Ten Texas Steakhouses selected by food critic Tom Horan. You’ll find yourself surrounded by luxurious, leather furnishing and hand-crafted, mahogany woodwork – an impeccable ambience for their award-winning fare.

Gumbo Diner

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 762-3232

3602 Seawall Blvd

Looking for classic American dining with a New Orleans flare? Gumbo Diner offers Cajun and Creole cuisine on the Galveston Seawall. Their unforgettable atmosphere is matched by their fresh beignets and delicious, southern staples.


Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 761-5500

3828 Seawall Boulevard

The “Toast of the Texas Coast,” Gaido’s provides Gulf seafood in Galveston’s largest fresh fish house. From red snapper to blue crab, this coastal classic prepares everything by hand. Filleting, frying, grilling, or baking – Gaido’s is not to be missed.

For more information about Gaido’s, please visit their website.

Outdoor Activities to Enjoy

Staying outside is a great way to enjoy the city, social distance, and keep safe. Luckily for us, Galveston has an ample amount of “things to do” outdoors.

While masks are not mandated for socially distanced, outside activities in Galveston County, they’re encouraged. The City of Galveston also recommends that you visit these attractions by yourself or with those in your household.

Broadway Cemetery District

Plotted between 1839 and 1939, the Broadway Cemetery District incorporates seven distinct cemeteries. Don’t be fooled by the surface: these urban burial grounds are three layers deep. Although there are an estimated 12,000 grave markers, there are three times the amount of bodies buried below. Is that why it’s a hot spot with paranormal enthusiasts?

Whether you’re into philanthropists, pirates, politicians, or poltergeists, the Broadway Cemetery District is a must-see.

Maison Rouge Ruins

1417 Harborside Drive

Once the property of a pirate king, the Maison Rouge is prowling with paranormal activity. It’s located at Harborside, making it an easy excursion for the daytripper. Into spine-chilling ruins or haunted history? You won’t want to miss the Maison Rouge.

For more information about the Maison Rouge Ruins, please visit their website.

Pleasure Pier

2501 Seawall Boulevard

(855) 789-7437

Located at the Galveston Seawall, Pleasure Pier features family-oriented, waterfront fun. Visitors will delight in amusement rides, carnival games, and funnel cake atop this historic boardwalk. Plus, you can’t beat the view!

If you want to find yourself suspended 230-feet above sea level, jump on the Texas Star Flyer. This 200-foot swing isn’t for the faint of heart!

For more information about Pleasure Pier please visit their website.

Port Bolivar Ferry

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 795-2230

1000 Ferry Road N.

For free, family-oriented entertainment, reserve a ride on the Port Bolivar Ferry. The vessel transports travelers between Galveston Island and the Bolivar Peninsula, giving you the chance to spot dolphins, porpoises, pelicans, and freighters. Once you’re at the Bolivar Peninsula, check out Fort Travis – the first fort established in Galveston by the Republic of Texas.

Indoor Activities for Safe Family Fun

Although Galveston County limits capacity for indoor gatherings, it’s still possible to enjoy the day indoors. Wear a mask and social distance to have a safe, sanitized trip in the city.

Mayfield Manor

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 762-6677

2313 Harborside Drive

Looking to spook yourself out? This year-round haunted house is located on the Strand! Visitors can wander throughout the twelve-room attraction, guided by the “Mad” Dr. Mayfield. Book your ticket to see why Mayfield Manor was named the third “Spookiest Haunted House” in America by USA TODAY.

COVID-19 Safety Measures: face masks are required.

Moody Gardens

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 683-4200

1 Hope Blvd

Experience an authentic rainforest adventure before immersing yourself between international oceans. Enjoy the mysteries of science before undergoing a close encounter with a free-roaming, endangered animal. Check out a 1.5-million-gallon aquarium, a Discovery Museum, a Rainforest Pyramid, and a colonel paddlewheel boat before hitting the lazy river. Whatever you do, don’t miss this multi-attraction extravaganza.

Galveston Railroad Museum

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 765-5700

123-25th Street

Occupying five acres of trains, the Galveston Railroad Museum is the largest restored railroad collection in the Southwest. Stop by to see locomotives, freight cars, and the interactive gallery of rail history. You can also see the “Ghosts of Travelers Past,” featuring life-size, plaster models imitating passengers. Are these the only “ghosts” in the facility?

COVID-19 Safety Measures: face masks are recommended; e-tickets are encouraged; sanitizing stations are available; social distancing is implemented; the Harborside Express operates at limited capacity; face masks are required for the Harborside Express.

The Bryan Museum

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 632-7685

1315 21 Street

Adventure into the American Wild West at The Bryan Museum. From Native American cultural artifacts to exhibits on the twenty-first century, The Bryan Museum is dedicated to the cultural preservation of Texas. They hold one of the largest, most comprehensive collections of historical artifacts relating to The Lone Star State, making it a must-see for travelers.

COVID-19 Safety Measures: face masks are required; social distancing is implemented.

Lone Star Flight Museum

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 708-2517

11551 Aerospace Ave

The Lone Star Flight Museum is a STEM learning center and aviation museum dedicated to preserving, educating, and inspiring. The facility features hands-on exhibits, historic aircraft, and the Texas Aviation Hall of Fame. If you’re fascinated by aerospace, check out the Lone Star Flight Museum.

COVID-19 Safety Measures: face masks are required; social distancing is implemented.

For more information about Lone Star Flight Museum, please visit their website.

House Museums & Historic Museums

What better way to learn about Historic Galveston than by visiting some of its oldest and most significant homes? The number of guests allowed inside the historic house museums has been reduced to enforce social distancing. Business hours vary by property.

We strongly recommend that you purchase your tickets in advance to avoid lines and social gatherings. For some historic properties, reservations are required.

Moody Mansion

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 762-7668

2618 Broadway Avenue

This 31-room, Romanesque mansion features everything that you’d expect from a haunted house. Towering turrets – wide, eye-like windows. Yet this late-Victorian museum is somehow spookier inside. Visitors claim to overhear disembodied footsteps; photographs bare unaccountable or unidentifiable apparitions. Acquaint yourself with the daily ongoings of the Moody Family – and their poltergeists.

COVID-19 Safety Measures: self-guided tours are available; face masks are required within the museum; masks are provided to those who do not bring them.

1892 Bishop’s Palace

Visita tu Sitio Web Llama al: (409) 762-2475

1402 Broadway Avenue

As Galveston's outstanding Victorian residence, Bishop's Palace is a must-see. This extravagant establishment is as eerie as it’s exuberant, earning the moniker "Gresham's Castle.” The American Institute of Architects even listed Bishop's Palace as one of the 100 most important buildings in America. A striking, spooky estate that's favored by locals and tourists alike.

COVID-19 Safety Measures: self-guided tours are available; face masks are recommended within the museum; sanitizing stations are provided.

A Quick Thank You

We truly hope our resources have helped you plan your visit to Galveston. We know that it can be challenging, but enjoying your summer amidst the Coronavirus outbreak is possible.

Ghost City Tours thanks you for your continued support. After all, we would be nothing without our guests.

Our team of writers, illustrators, and marketers will continue to produce content to keep you entertained - and sane - during these trying times. We will also continue to provide useful and up-to-date information.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about travel, tour information, or guidelines. If you need to talk, we’re here.

Our Galveston Ghost Tours

Are you visiting Galveston? Our Ghost Tours are one of the safest activities you can find during the Coronavirus pandemic. We practice social distancing, and our tours are all outside!